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Sostieni Youth for Christ Italia

Se sei un donatore proveniente dall’Unione Europea puoi fare una donazione attraverso bonifico bancario a Youth for Christ Italia all’IBAN IT21J0306909606100000147663 (Banca INTESA SAN PAOLO S.P.A. - BCITITMM) e inserendo il nome della persona nella causale.

If you donate from the US and are a US tax payer, you can operate through our account at the YFC International Office - PO Box 4555 -Englewood, CO 80155.
If you donate by credit card
clicking on and putting the fund or the person you would like to give to in the search button.


Il tuo aiuto è

Fai la tua donazione in base al fondo a cui vuoi destinare
la tua offerta cliccando sull’immagine di riferimento!

Make your donation according to the fund you would like your
money to be used for clicking on the related picture!


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If you speak English and you would like to keep in touch, click on the button below.
